Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Becka if you're still around, come back, daddy's home.

So, did the rest of you assholes miss me? You gave me such a warm welcome and all. WTF?

I've been in Taiwan and now I'm holed up in the bible belt indefinitely. Expected preachers on every corner. So far, it's no worse than any other place I've been.

Surfed the blogs for a couple weeks now, paying close attention to the ones considered to be "notable or most linked". They don't give me wood.

Blogger needs a new reviewer. Consider me it. Leave your blog address in comments if you have the balls to stand up under honest scrutiny.


Anonymous said...

I read your profile. What kind of computer fraud do you investigate. Sounds interesting. Is the traveling job related?

Hypersonic said...

And you blog because....?

Tuyet said...

you sound like you are on a mission!

Teddy Bear Giraffe said...

I recommend

Brace yourself.

ed said...

chris, if you think my profile is interesting, you probably enjoy reading bathroom walls. Dumb ass.

I blog because I'm on a mission.

ed said...

t.b.g. that's some good shit.